Unlock Your Potential
With The
Smart PT App

Smart PT is an app that is designed to be the ultimate companion in achieving optimal physical wellness and recovery.

It is designed for use at your gym, or in the privacy of your own home. Our goal is to equip you with practical knowledge, exercises and stretches that will enable you to gain strength and function, and remain active, enjoying life with confidence.

Our mission is simple, yet powerful:

to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to stay active, regain flexibility, and improve overall mobility. Whether you're dealing with everyday aches and pains or recovering from an injury or orthopedic surgery, Smart PT is here to guide you every step of the way.


Jeff Bekendam is a highly sought after physical therapist in Southern California who has treated thousands of patients for nearly 4 decades.

His approach is practical and transformative. His foundational belief is that all patients need to be equipped with the tools to care for their own bodies in order to live life with strength, function and vitality.

Utilizing Jeff's vast knowledge and experience accompanied with the Smart PT app, you'll have access to a comprehensive range of proven exercises and stretches, carefully designed to accelerate your recovery and strengthen your body for the long haul. Our easy-to-follow instructions and demonstration videos will assist you in executing each exercise with precision and safety.



What You Will Need


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